Two of my paintings were part of the
big fantasy exhibition which happened summer 2021 at the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
"Skeleton Pirate" and "Garden of Hope" were featured among works by Arthur Rackham, Maxfield Parrish, Jessie Willcox Smith, Joseph Clement Coll, N.C. Wyeth, and many contemporary illustrators.
Standing: Laurie Norton Moffatt, director of the Norman Rockwell Museum, Scott Brundage, Sara Frazetta, James Warhola, Charles Vess, Thomas Blackshear, Ruth Sanderson, Scott Fischer, Alessandra Pisano, James Gurney, Jeff Echevarria, Mark Zug, Bob Eggleton, Scott Gustafson, Gary Gianni, Tony DiTerlizzi. Front row: Tyler Jacobson, Curator Jesse Kowalski, Greg Manchess, Donato Giancola, and Rebecca Guay.
For most of us, it was our first time venturing out of our lockdown isolation, and it felt good to be able to shake hands and see old friends again.
Here I am with James Warhola, who painted the paperback cover "Magic for Sale" below.
Rather than setting up the exhibit chronologically, curator Jesse Kowalski arranged it thematically, with rooms full of new and classic paintings devoted to mythic themes, such as dragons, faeries, mermaids, and monsters.

Abbott Handerson Thayer (1849-1921), Winged Figure, 1889, Oil on Canvas, 51.5 x 37.75 in.

Artists also include Arthur Rackham, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Gustave Doré, NC Wyeth, Herbert Draper, Howard Pyle, Maxfield Parrish, Frank Frazetta, Winsor McCay, Jessie Willcox Smith, Joseph Clement Coll, Willy Pogany, J. Allen St. John, Dean Cornwell, Virgil Finlay, Hal Foster, and many more.
catalog produced by Abbeville, includes 180 images, mostly in color, with essays by Alice Carter, Stephanie Plunkett, and others.
The exhibition "
Enchanted: A History of Fantasy Illustration" will travel to two other locations: Hunter Museum of America Art, Chattanooga, TN -- May 20, 2022 through September 5, 2022 and the Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI -- September 23, 2022 through January 8, 2023
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